Friday, January 21, 2011

Creeper. The final Chapter.

I finally got The Creeper to respond! I'm better than I thought...

No, I didn't sext him in order to do it. I just couldn't. My biggest fear was that I would send a text telling him that I wanted him to bone me, and he would respond in the positive. That would end our 'relationship' for sure. I'm not interested in a physical relationship with The Creeper. Like I said, there's limited chemistry between us. Atleast on my end that is.

I sent him this message instead, "Really? That bad? I miss you. Life is boring without your randomness around. You couldn't possibly hate me that much?"

No response the entire day. I thought the, 'I miss you,' line would get him for sure. It should work if he truly was the sensitive normal guy that Daria suspected he was.

When that didn't work I sent this instead, "Fine. I'll just annoy you once a day everyday until I get a response...and I'm not going to take my girlfriends advise to sext you in order to get you to respond either because she's just a dirty birdie."

He responded within 30 minutes.

"Let's break it down," he starts with. "You never stopped calling me creeper. You deleted me from everything after we had a good time together...And you bit the hell out of my lip, I said I didn't like that and you still continued to do it anyway. So yeah. No thanks."

You have to be fucking kidding me? 

He was upset that I bit his lip? Seriously? Could you be any bigger of a pussy dude? I mean I've left plenty a man bloody yet satisfied after a semi and sometimes full sexual encounter with me. Not one has ever complained. They're battle wounds worth having I assure you.  Not that I was rough with Creeper by any means. Just some playful biting during our brief encounter. Honestly I was just trying to get him to stop fighting with me over my upper lip. I thought he was kidding when he had whined to me about it.

This dude wasn't complicated at all! This whole time I was trying to figure out his angle. But he really didn't have one. I thought he was playing a role, but this whole time he has been showing me exactly who he is.

He really was just some stoner loser dude! He actually was boring. All his little whining and request for snuggling were real. WTF. That's what I get for thinking the guy was more complicated than he actually is. The reality is, men are very simple creatures. The only time we women run into trouble is when we think that men have some sort of deeper insight or agenda in relationships...or life in general.

They don't. Atleast Creeper didn't. I mean he was on Match after all. There had to be some sort of damage. Not that I'm not talking shit. I'm obviously damaged goods. I'm totally emotionally detached. My heart was broken and instead of picking up the pieces I've decided to immerse myself into WCC. I'm aware.

Creeper is just sort of a loser. A girlie loser. No wonder I wasn't attracted. I can smell that shit from a mile away.

Now here's my dilemma. I'm not sure if I should tell him about my blog. I mean, we're officially done. I wanted to figure him out, and I have. So do I share? I mean he should be partially flattered. After all he is a Fan Fav.

I feel like I should have some sort of sign off. A Kiss off if you will. Like an official goodbye followed by the WCC blogspot link. I know. I'm an ass. But the temptation to share is unbelievable.

I think I'll sleep on it.....aaaahhh, who am I kidding?! I'm totally going to send him the link the second I decide what my kiss off line is going to be. If you have any suggestions, feel free to share dear reader.

Ok, I think I'm done for the night. I had a lovely evening. Well, with the exception of one small semi large mistake. But I held it together. I'll share with you in the morning when I'm less buzzed and tired.


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