Sunday, January 16, 2011

Creeper Hates Me

I  think The Creeper is officially gone...

I haven't heard from him in a few days and was discussing what happened with my girlfriend Daria via Facebook IM's this morning. And yes, I mean the girl from Beevis and Butthead. I swear they based that character off of her. She and I are similar in many ways. Both of us have the same internal monologue going on in our heads so she can read me like a book.  And because we have known each other for so long we have completely forgone the normal polite buffers people use to speak to each other and go straight for the jugular.

"I think the only way to redeem yourself with Creeper is to go nutty," she says to me.

"Lol...I'm going to wait for a bit and see what happens first," I tell her.  I'm not exactly sure what she means by, "go nutty." No need for me to ask. She starts sending me sample texts.

"Why haven't you called me? "
"Me and you have a connection that I never felt before" 

"Lol!! Do you really think he is Mr Sensitive Guy?" I reply.

"No, he is Mr Normal. Just like everyone else," she says.

Now that gives me something to think about. This whole time I had been trying to figure out this guys angle. It never crossed my mind that he didn't have one.

"He may have seen you as some chick - like any other he may have come across online," she continues. "Until you met and realized you were different. And honestly you probably used the word 'Creeper' way too much."
I could see that. He had talked his shit before we met, but had been pretty cool towards me afterwards.

"It's like saying... Hello, West Coast Carrie. How are you West Coast Carrie. Where are you going West Coast Carrie..." she rants.

"Lmao! I hate you," I tell her. 

I know she's right. The Creeper line is annoying. I did use it way too much. He probably was just a regular guy who liked me. I'm a prude by nature so the intimacy he showed towards me that first day weired me out. But this is how grown ups do it I suppose. I fucked up. Not that I was interested in a relationship with the guy, but because I had played my cards so wrong. I wanted to not like him and break things off, not the other way around!

Arg, I need to text him. I pull out my phone and shoot him a text.

"You still sickface?" I say. Nothing.

"Ben? Did you die?" I try again, hoping the use of his name will soften him.

Still nothing.  I just sent a sad face a little while ago. Its no use.

Creeper hates me.


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