Mr. Boston Says

"I'm reading an article about why intelligent people use more drugs."
Answer when I asked what he was doing in his room.

"So where should I put the Hot Dog costume?"
Random question I heard outside my bedroom door at The Plex.

"I can't wait to use it. Like, put a woman in it..."
Answer to when I asked how he was liking his new bed.

"You look disgusting as always..."
Mr Bostons greeting to one of the Twisty Twins.

"I took two naps today."
When I told him I was really tired after a long night of partying.

"How fucking loaded do you think these guys get before they die?"
Statement made after finding a dead Nat in his wine glass....he still drank it.

"I think I need to just keep dating younger girls so that it never gets to that level where I have to be more responsible."
The two of us were discussing relationships and dating.

"All you're doing is bringing Homeless Boyfriends dead body along with you to an afterparty..."
Joke he made after The Plex Force kept dragging Homeless Boyfriends lifeless body with us to every party we went to...and then posted photos lol...

"What if my "One" dies? Then do I have to go to my #2?"
We were discussing love and how you know if you've found the "One"...

"Pots way more important than friends..."
I have no idea where this one came from...