Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bloody Hell

I'm going to kill Glasses.

The two of us hadn't gone out in a while so we made plans to kick it on Thursday night. We were playing it mellow so I just threw on a pair of black skinny jeans, a brown belt, and my knee high brown leather boots with a matching leather bomber jacket. I topped the outfit off with a long feather necklace. Too bad it's night time. A pair of aviator glasses would be perfect.

We kicked it in the Hollywood Hills at his friend's house for a bit. Had a few drinks and helped him put together some IKEA furniture. Around midnight I got a call from Hippy Chick letting me know that her and Homeless Boyfriend were having a little kick back at The Plex.

That's what we call the new Duplex that we are all renting together. They found a 2000 square foot 3 bedroom duplex in what's known as the Miracle Mile area. The original roommate bailed out last minute so I was top of the list for roomy candidates. After checking out the place I fell in love. It's an old building from the 1920's. Huge living room with wood floors, a dining room, large kitchen with a breakfast nook. And my bedroom is double the size of the one I have now. I'm super excited to not be living alone anymore.  I'm even more excited to move somewhere that Nutty as a Fruitcake can't find me. Stalkers can be hard to shake sometimes but this ought to do it.

We cruise over and I give Glasses the tour. He's loving it. He and I are kicking it in HC's bedroom when my phone rings. It's The Kid. I couldn't believe my eyes. The Kid never calls me. He'll text me for days but actual phone calls? Never.

I do a little kick in the air and answer the phone.

"Whats up Chica?",he asks me.

He sounds super sick. Guess we partied a little too hard while he was here.  We start to chit chat a bit when Glasses asks to speak with him. I laugh and hand over the phone.  It's funny, when we left Glasses friends house he seemed pretty sober, but the man was getting drunker and drunker by the minute.  He starts to speak to The Kid with a British accent. I ignore the conversation and turn back to HC.

"Dude, this is so weird. The Kid never calls. I think this is like the second time ever." I'm telling her.

Meanwhile I hear Glasses,"Bloody should come back...right now. I'll buy your bloody ticket..."

"Really?" she responds to me.

"Yeah. I wonder if its because I sent him that blog. He's like feeling all attached now." I say

After I wrote 'The Kid - The beginning', I sent him a copy. He was blown aways by my detail. It was a long time ago. But more than that he and I don't talk about our feelings. Ever. I honestly don't think he's ever even told me that he likes me. I mean obviously I know he does. He's just has never said it. And for the most part neither have I.  So reading that must have been a trip for him...and a positive one at that.

Glasses has started to curse like he's Ozzy, so I walk over to him to take the phone back.
He hands it to me and says, "Tell him I'll buy his ticket to come back."

"Glasses says he will buy your ticket if you want to come back." I repeat.

The Kid laughs then shocks the hell out of me saying, "I can't come now but I'll probably be there in a couple of weeks."

What?! No freaking way. The Kid here? Again? 

"Are you kidding me? Really?" I ask him surprised.

"Yeah. My brother wants to come down too." he says.

I walk into the other room to hear him better. I love his brother. It would be awesome to have them both down.  What a trip. The Kid is like coming out every month to see me now. What does that mean? Whatever. We will never talk about it so I'll let it go.

After I wrap up the conversation and we say our goodnights, I go back into HC's room to find her and Glasses talking about The Kid.

"I wasn't impressed," I hear her saying.

"What are you two talking about?" I ask.

"The Kid," says Glasses."We think you can do better."

I laugh, "Better than what? It's who I have. The only constant in my life. For a while now."

"I don't know, " says HC,"I don't see you with him. I mean Goodtimes was cool, but The Kid? I see you with someone more like Partyboy."

I roll my eyes but I know why she is confused. The Kid isn't my normal kind of guy. I like the Kooks. I like the guys who are just slightly off and more than a little nutz. Nutty as a Friutcake, Goodtimes and Partyboy fit my type perfectly. The Kid on the other hand? Super mellow. He gets involved when out partying but he is definitely more reserved. Which is why I think I liked him when we first met him. At the time I was in the middle of a crazy divorce. The end of my marriage was such chaos. The Kid was a welcome reprieve. He calmed me.

Just then Partyboy calls. He's off work and wants to come kick it. I shake my fist at the universe and then text him back the address.

"Yep, I don't think things are done between you two," she says to me.

"Dude, he has his girl in Vegas. He and I are done. There is no option there. So I'll continue with who actually wants to be in my life." I tell her as she looks at me disapprovingly. I laugh, "Look. I'll admit it was interesting having The Kid here in my space. It did make me realize that he doesn't really fit in my world."

It was true. I mean the people I hang out with are loud and fun creative artist. Even myself. I manage a business, I'm a professional dancer, I write, I sing and I have a rockin loud goodtime with my friends. The Kid will kick it anywhere I am and have a good time, but he isn't a ring leader like the rest of us. I'm used to my guys being the life of the party or at the very least the comic relief.

"I think that if he and I lived in the same state we probably wouldn't be together." I tell her, "But the fact that he is out of state keeps it fresh. It's always a start over when I see him. Besides, he takes care of me. I didn't pay for a damn thing when the boys were here. He's considerate, and looks after me. Partyboy is just like Nutty as a Fruitcake and Huge Asshole. He's a guy I'd have to take care of. Not a guy that will take care of me."

"I get that," she tells me, "I just think we need to keep looking for you."

She knows me too well. The casual observer would think that I WAS looking. I date a ton. But she knows as well as I do that I'm just doing it for WCC.  These guys hold very little interest for me.

She begins to talk about Partyboy again when I look towards the door and make her stop. Partyboy will be here any minute. The last thing I want is for him to hear us talking about him. Or worse, for him to hear about WCC. I learned my lesson with The Creeper. The characters I write about can never know. Like I said, men are sensitive creatures that can't handle shit.

HC is getting tired so Glasses and I leave her be and head into the kitchen with the rest of the crew. I grab Glasses black rimmed specs and put them on. I hop up onto the kitchen counter and relax. Just then the front door bell rings. Here he is. Homeless Boyfriend goes to let him in.

He walks in passing out hello's in an accent. Man these guys are funny. This one is definitely the comic relief. I see his eyes fall on me and that's when I see it. The Flash. The same one he had when I first looked up at him from within his arms on New Years. Interesting.

We give him the tour. He is loving it as well. The Plex rocks.
He looks down at me and says, "Are those Glasses?" referring to the glasses on my face.
"Yeah," I say.

"I thought you looked different," he says.
Good one Sherlock, "Can I see them?"

I hand them over and he puts them on. That's the problem with these metro guys. He must have thought I looked cute in the glasses so pretty boy decided he wanted to look good too. God I could never date a rockstar. I'd have to put a lock on my closet and put my makeup in a safe.

We hang at the house for another hour or so. The guys are goofing about and smoking out. I'm sober as usual and just taking in the scene. Finally HB says his good nights so we all head out. I won't be moving in till next weekend. By this time Glasses is good and tanked so we try to take his keys from him. There is no way his ass is driving.  But the guy is resisting.

The guy is so drunk that he has moved passed drunky land and thinks that he has landed on the other side into Soberworld. But I know better. He keeps asking me to let him drive and I just keep repeating no.  I ask Partyboy if he's sober enough to drive. He slurs some sort of yes with a side of, I'm really stoned.

"That's it," I say. "Both of you get your asses in my car. I'm driving."

Thankfully the boys follow my commands and hop in. Partyboy is hungry so I stop by McDonalds. As Partyboy is ordering Glasses starts yelling slurred curse words at the menu. It's funny as hell but I stop him anyways so that we don't get any spit in our food.

As I pull away Partyboy reaches over and gives my shoulders a squeeze, "Thanks for stopping for food. You're a doll."

Uh ok. Why do guys think that we give a shit for thank you's like these? Is he trying to come across as sweet or just polite? I take it as neither. I'm not the type of girl who needs words of appreciation. Show me, don't tell me. But this guy has nothing to show so just eat your mcnuggets and shut your trap dudey.

We get back to the Hills and Glasses turns on the fireplace. The guys finished eating in the car and have started to get their drink back on. I don't know how they do it. 2 drinks and I tap out, but these two? Well the Partyguys have me beat hands down.

Partyboy is sitting on the couch texting. I can only assume it's his girl. Then he asks Glasses, "So you are going to help me entertain my friends when they come down next weekend right?" Yep. His girl.

Ew. Seriously? I mean he was still giving me smooches less than a week ago and he's already talking about his chick in front of me? Learn the rules dude. Too soon.  The Kid and I have this open dating thing down to a science. He has had his relationships and so have I. But we never talk about it in front of each other. There is an unspoken respect that we give each other. That goes for anyone for that matter. No matter how many people I may be dating I never let those relationships touch the one I'm with. I'm good at it. Each guy believes that I am hopelessly devoted to them. I'm an amazing multi tasker.

But here Partyboy is reading a text from her asking if he has a Valentines date. I'm not enjoying what I'm feeling. He's making me feel like I was the one who was keeping him warm until he got back to his girl. Not cool.

I get up to leave. I'd rather go home and talk some shit in my blog than listen to this. The boys aren't having it. Glasses runs over and plops me back down on the couch. Partyboy echos his pleads to stay. Men. They never know what they want.

I stay for a bit longer. Glasses is bouncing around the room and Partyboy is falling asleep sitting up next to the fireplace. He stands up announcing that he is going to try to find some wine in the bar. But instead he plops his weight across my lap ass up....and stays there.

So here I am, its 4am, Glasses is dancing around the room and Mr. Narcolepsy is passing out across my lap with his ass in my face. I so asked for this. I should have went home.

"Whats up Partyboy...Partyboy...I bet you don't know nothin about WCC," Glasses starts taunting Partyboy.

"Glasses! Shut up, " I hiss under my breath.

"She killed you. WCC, she killed you," he continues.

It's funny as hell. He keeps repeating,"you don't know about WCC...WCC, you don't know. WCC...WCC"
He keeps repeating WCC, with a nod of his head to punctuate each letter. He sounds like Yogi the bear.

"Glasses! You're going to get Peter Parker killed dammit." I tell him.

Luckily for me Partyboy is drifting into sleep and honestly isn't all that bright anyways. This all sounds like drunken gibberish to him and I'm thankful. I don't want him to know.  Not because I think he'll freak out but I don't want to take the chance that I'll start to sensor what I'm writing because I know he's reading. The beauty of all this is that I can write without any inhibitions. I put down every surface thought that runs across my head. With little or no thought to consequences. This is just me rambling for the masses.

I had nothing to worry about. Partyboy's breathing has deepened and he's out like a light.  I start to squeeze my way out from under him. After a struggle and a little drunken assistance from Glasses I finally manage my way out from under him.

I give Glasses a big hug and head on home. Strange night. Hippie Chick really made me think.

I realized a few things. The Kid is not the one. He is my right now. Or better yet he is my sometimes. But I don't have a One. Partyboy is a hoot but I've already tired of his drunken antics.  I know these new guys won't fit the bill. The Highlander is too much of a considerate suit. I like some bite in my men. I just found out that 10 Points models on the side. Ew. I hate models. Nutty as a Fruitcake used to model and left a bad taste in my mouth. Now Monkeyboy? Not sure yet. He is flying to Australia soon to direct a music video. He is definitely a creative which I like, but I'm not sure if the chemistry is there. I like my men tall and large. Lumberjacks. I like to be manhandled so a guy needs to have the size to make that happen.

I might be going out with Monkeyboy tomorrow night. Should be interesting. My old characters are getting stale so I look forward to introducing the new. And who knows? Maybe there will be a click?

Oh who am I kidding? I'm not ready for a click. But I could use a little fooling around action.  Four days of consistent sex left me a little worse for wear.  God being in my 30's sucks without a decent outlet. I'm wishing the Kid lived here again.

Two more weeks and I can get my kicks. I'll just have to hold out till then.

And as for you Glasses? Keep my secret just that. Secret. Or I'll have to kill your ass off too.

Kiiddddddiiinngg. You're my boo. I'll take care of you anytime you're drunky poo. I'll just have to tape your mouth shut next time.


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